For the ultra-compact and small speakers, the level was 74 dB at 1 meter it was 78 dB and 85 dB for the medium and large speakers, respectively. I set the volume of the speakers within a particular group to the same level, using a shaped-noise channel-balancing test tone recorded from a Dolby Digital receiver. Then I divided the set of speakers into four groups: ultra-compact, small, medium, and large.

I narrowed the group of contestants to the models that I thought had a real chance to impress our listening panel, and I included all of our past picks (except the JBL Xtreme 2, which was discontinued). In Wirecutter reader polls and comments we’ve read, every person has seemed to have their own opinion as to which (if any) Bluetooth speaker features are the most important, so we don’t require any particular features when picking models to test. These extras include speakerphone capability, pairing (the ability to play the same material through two Bluetooth speakers at once), built-in lighting, and even integrated bottle openers.

Portability and battery life: Although any Bluetooth speaker can be lugged around, we focus on models that have rechargeable batteries and are designed to take a trip to the beach or the park with no hassle.